Last updated: 13-Jan-2025
The Tuesday Evening Open Novice League is suitable for someone who has been through a Learn to Curl program or has limited curling experience. This is an "Open" league so any combination of males/females on a team is allowed. This is a fun league as everyone in it is relatively new to curling and the bar is open for socializing when your game is done. Individual members will be placed on teams with vacancies. There is one draw playing from 5:00pm to 7:00pm The intention for the season is to enjoy getting on the ice and playing. There is a focus on sportsmanship and learning. No aggressive behaviour is tolerated. Games are 6 ends or until terminated by the buzzer.
Contact the league rep via email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The 10 teams play in a single division with a round robin format.
Points are awarded as follows:
- 2 pts for a win
- 1 pts for a tie
- 0 pts for a loss
All Forfeits = 0 Please report all FORFEITS to the league rep.
Skips/Vices are responsible for recording the win/loss/tie on the CVCC website following conclusion of the game.
Teams may identify a 5th and 6th team member once the team has four paid-in-full members.
The named 5th and 6th team member can be anyone that has paid club fees – this includes someone that has paid spare fees only, excludes a social membership.
The named 5th and 6th team member can play any position.
The named 5th and 6th team member CANNOT be a member of another team in this league.
Please try and field a team and not default your game. You can use up to 2 or 3 spares as long as one of your regular team members is in the lineup. A spare may play any position except skip. Spares should come from the Tuesday Novice league and/or the Learn to Curl / Development league and the spares list before other curlers are approached. Spares should have less than 10 years lifetime curling experience (including youth experience). Where possible games will be rescheduled. If you reschedule/forfeit, then PLEASE contact your opponent ASAP, and notify the league rep. If 4 spares are used in order to avoid forfeiting the game, the team with 4 spares will not earn points for the win.
The bell signals to finish the end you are in! No extra ends or tie breakers.
An end is deemed to have started once the first rock of the end has crossed the near tee line during a slide.
The bell in the 5:00pm draw goes off at 6:35pm.
This league along with the other evening leagues use a 50/50 draw to fund one joint year end banquet.